How to market your business in the summer even if people aren't buying

I think most of us can agree that we love summer - it’s just a magical time when the sun is out longer and life can sometimes feel a little more exciting and brighter… But what if you have a business that isn’t thriving in the summer? 

Here are 5 tips for marketing your business in the summer, even if people aren’t buying.

Nurture relationships

Use this slower time to nurture the relationships you’ve built with your customers. There are so many ways you can do this and if your summer is a bit slower, this may allow you to focus a bit more time to do so. For example, one way to nurture your customer relationships is to send them a summer coupon or coupon code to celebrate the season (i.e. a first day of summer deal). You can and should also look for ways to nurture these relationships everyday, for example, actually be social on social media. Like and reply to user comments, share relevant user posts, share User Generated Content*, and more.

*User Generated Content is content created by consumers.This could be a social media post like a Reel, TikTok, image, or other type of post. It could also be a blog, or some other type of content.

Plan for the major holidays

Don’t worry, we’re not talking about Christmas -- yet. There are several summer holidays, long weekends, and events in Canada that you can plan your marketing around. These dates include July 1st, Labour Day weekend, The Toronto Caribbean Carnival, Toronto Pride Month, and more. You still have plenty of time to plan ahead, so take advantage of having the extra time! Think of relevant dates and events and then plan a sale, promotion, giveaway, or even an event.

Refresh Things

Sometimes a slow summer is the perfect time to refresh things! Use this as an opportunity to refresh your business or social media strategy, update your website with a more summery look, or even introduce new summer products and services. If you’re not really sure what could use some refreshing and refining, ask a friend, family member, or even hire a professional (like us!) to offer you a new and fresh perspective.

Try something new

Again, this slower period is likely a great time to try something new and have fun. For example, if you’ve been wanting to introduce a new product or service, test the waters in the summer and then evaluate the success of it later to see if you should continue offering it into the Fall and Winter seasons. 

Host a contest or giveaway

Having a contest or giveaway is an easy way to create some excitement at any time throughout the year and it’s something that doesn’t necessarily take a ton of planning. You could even tailor your contest to a certain date/holiday (even those smaller dates like National Ice Cream Day), if you choose to.

Looking for more ways to heat up your marketing this summer? Check out our most recent blogs:


Are you asking the wrong questions about your social media strategy?


8 tips for planning summer brand events