The Power of Emotional Marketing: How to Evoke Holiday Sentiments in Your Campaigns

The holiday season has become a hot button issue. From branded holiday cups causing an uproar to the meaning behind Christmas and those who argue it has become too commercialized – it has all the makings of an in-depth debate at your next family function.

One thing that has remained a constant is that the holidays, regardless of what you celebrate, is about connecting with people and some pretty strong emotions. If you are trying to connect with your target audience this holiday season you need to stand out among your competitors and a great way to do that is to incorporate emotional marketing into your strategy.

Emotion plays a big part in the buying decision process. If your customers feel more connected to a brand, they are more likely to buy from that brand – even if it’s more expensive than a competitor.

There are certain brands that incorporate emotional marketing into their strategy all year round, but if you don’t, this upcoming holiday season could be a great opportunity to give it a try. Here are 4 ways to incorporate holiday sentiments into your marketing campaigns to finish out the year.

Tell a story

Stories are often rooted in tradition and history. So why not build that into your content. Share stories that connect your brand to the holiday season. It’s an opportunity to allow your customers and potential customers to get to know you better on a deeper level, so don’t be afraid to get a bit personal. Consider things like having your individual team members share some of their holiday traditions. You can also do some behind the scenes content on what do you do as an organization around the holidays. For example, are there any charities that you support? Why not spotlight them on your blog or on your socials.

Create an emotional theme

Consistency is definitely key when it comes to your marketing and the same can be said for the type of emotions you tap into for your marketing content. For example, brands like Tim Horton’s have built entire marketing strategies around nostalgia. WestJet’s holiday campaigns rely on that feel good feeling that comes with giving. Coca-Cola relies heavily on nostalgia and Christmas magic for their holiday campaigns. You could also focus on togetherness, hopefulness, excitement, etc.

Give Back

The holidays are a great time to show how committed you are to uplifting the community around you. Consider partnerships with charities and non-profits that align with your brand values. Last week Felicia talked about how to incorporate this into your social media strategy. You could even donate a portion of your profits to a charity of choice. Sharing these efforts to give back can foster a sense of community and goodwill among your customers.

Engage in meaningful dialogue

You should be engaging daily on social media. However, the holidays might be a time for you to go beyond the emoji reactions to start more meaningful dialogue in the comment section of your online platforms. Taking the time to focus on higher quality and more personalized dialogue will mean that you may respond to fewer people, but the idea is that you are looking to create a deeper connection.


How will you incorporate emotional marketing into your holiday marketing strategy this year?


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