Polished vs. Raw: What kind of video content should you create?

cat with bread on it's head

I am sure you’ve heard by now that video content has become more important in the past few years – especially when it comes to social media. It's engaging, shareable, and a powerful tool for storytelling. It can also be a little polarizing when it comes to HOW it should be made. There are usually two opinions; polished with high production value or raw with a more authentic approach. What is the best way to approach video content? Well, the answer depends on your brand, audience, and objectives.

I tend to lean towards a raw approach for things that I do, but for certain clients that are more corporate we take a more formal approach.

Here are some things to consider about both polished and raw video approaches to help you decide what’s best for your business.

Polished video content

Polished video content is often used for things like product launches to help build excitement and anticipation, corporate announcements that need to appear more serious and professional, and paid ads that are designed to leave a lasting impression.

Here are some thoughts about why polished video content could work for your business.

Professionalism and quality

When we see polished videos, we tend to think they are more professional. Generally, you’re paying money for high production values and meticulous editing. These things can leave a significant impression on your audience. Polished and formal videos are a great way to showcase products and services for videos that live on a website or more corporate channels.

Brand consistency

It’s easier to maintain brand consistency if you’re editing high-quality videos. You can control colours, logos, and overall brand feel and messaging. Remember, showing up consistently helps your audience to remember you.

Trust and credibility

Depending on your audience, polished videos can instill a sense of trust and credibility. It tends to appear more professional, and investing time and money into your video content can show that you take pride in and invest in your brand and professionalism.

Raw video content

Raw video content is often used for things like behind-the-scenes (BTS) content meant to show the day-to-day operations with a more personal touch, User Generated Content (UGC) to promote the brand authentically and foster community, and live streams showing real time engagement that is completely unfiltered.

Here are some thoughts about why raw video content could work for your business.

Authenticity and relatability

Raw videos usually feel more genuine and relatable, as they capture real moments without all the fuss of editing and filtering out imperfections. This authenticity can foster a deeper connection with your audience.


Producing raw videos is generally more cost-effective than polished ones. All you need is a smart phone and an idea to make it happen. For many businesses, this is a MAJOR appeal of raw video content.

It’s quicker

Raw videos allow for quick turnaround times. You can film a video and post it within minutes, which is helpful when it comes to social media and our need for immediate gratification. It makes it easier to respond to trends, participate in challenges, and engage with your audience in real-time.

When to use each type of video content

They key to any marketing strategy is finding a good balance between your tactics. The same can be said about when to use raw video content vs. polished video content. Here are some tips to help you decide when to use each type:

  • ·Understand your audience: Different audiences have different preferences. Get to know your target audience to understand what will grab their attention. For example, younger audiences might appreciate the authenticity of raw content, while a more professional audience might expect polished videos.

  • Work towards your objectives: What do you want to achieve? For brand building and major announcements, polished videos might be the way to go. For engagement and community building, raw videos can be more effective.

  • ·Try a bit of both: You don’t have to choose one over the other. For example, you can use polished videos for your website and email communications and raw content for social media.

Both polished and raw video content have their place in marketing. The key is to figure out what will work best for you. Not sure where to start? Book a free consultation with us!


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