Top social media platforms to consider in 2023

Ah social media… a world where nothing ever stays the same… It has also become somewhat of a necessity to have some sort of presence on social media for your business if you want to get seen and stay top of mind. I had a bit of a laugh the other day when I was researching a company. About 10 years ago, their founder said that he would never have his company on social media… well, now they are on quite a few platforms! Never say never…

The question should no longer be “should we be on social media.” Instead you should be asking what platform(s) to be on. And that depends a lot on your audience and your goals.

So let’s take a peek at some of this year’s most common – and popular – social media platforms.


With 2.96 billion monthly users, Facebook isn’t giving up it’s top spot any time soon. However, the way businesses use the platform has changed drastically in the past few years. Facebook is a great platform to reach a targeted audience through advertising. It’s worth noting that a business that wants to grow on Facebook only through organic reach will likely have a hard time building a successful strategy. But if you combine great organic content on your page with a consistent paid advertising strategy, you’ll be in good shape.

Another way business use Facebook is by creating VIP community groups. With a private group, you know that your audience is already invested and engaged in what you have to say.


So many users have a love/hate relationship with Instagram. The visual nature of the platform is amazing, but the constantly changing algorithm makes it challenging for the more than 2 billion monthly users to keep up with what’s necessary to grow on Instagram. The introduction of social commerce to the platform makes it a perfect place for product-based businesses. In general, though, what draws most businesses to Instagram is the variety of different types of content that can be created. From images, to video (Reels), multi image/video posts (carousels), and Stories – there is something for everyone.

If all that wasn’t enough, it’s also the number one spot to collaborate with content creators!


LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketing and professional networking. With over 930 million members in 2023, it offers businesses a unique opportunity to showcase their expertise and connect with industry leaders. Business pages allow businesses to create a hub of information on the platform – which is great for visibility when you are looking to make your next big connection.

You have also likely noticed that a lot of salespeople use direct messages within the platform as a sales tool. While this gives you what feels like unlimited access to your next client, it’s best to still tailor your pitches and focus on building a strong relationship first.


YouTube has around 2.6 billion active users and it also happens to be the second largest search engine after Google. YouTube is a great option if you want to create more in-depth and educational video content such as video tutorials, product reviews, and behind-the-scenes footage. If you’re feeling like you need to get more comfortable in front of the camera before jumping on YouTube, check out these tips here.


Do a little dance! Make a little content! With over 1 billion users TikTok is mostly known as the GenZ social app. However, during the pandemic (and all of the algorithm and app issues scandal on Instagram) many Millennials shifted their attention to the platform as well. It is a great video-based platform, but we can’t have anything nice anymore, so they recently introduced both static images and text on the platform. It seems like there are quite a few people embracing it, but this Millennial isn’t quite sure how she feels about it yet.


If a social media platform could represent controversy this would be it. Twitter/X’s 368 million users were thrown into the unknown when Elon Musk bought the company. Responses ranged from leaving the platform completely, to pure joy at the acquisition, and everything in between. For many businesses, the uncertainty was enough to get off the platform completely. For some small businesses (including some of our clients), we continue to monitor the situation to make sure it’s a safe place to be.

If you’re on Twitter/X, then you know it’s the perfect platform for real-time engagement and customer service. It is fast-paced and forces you to think on your toes.


I know. It’s shiny and new. But it grew so fast it’s worth mentioning. With around 120 million active users (100 M of which came in the first 5 days), Threads is Meta’s answer to the mess over at Twitter/X. A couple of things worth noting:

  • It’s associated with your Instagram account: So if you’re not on Instagram, you can’t yet join the platform.

  • You can’t currently schedule posts on the platform: It’s so new that scheduling platforms don’t yet have the capability to allow for scheduling content. That means everything has to be done manually. (charming isn’t it?)

Honourable mentions

The list could go on, but I’ve chosen to focus on some of the larger and more mainstream platforms. You can also consider platforms such as:

  • WhatsApp: With 2 billion monthly active users, it’s worth looking into.

  • WeChat: With 1.26 billion monthly active users, this platform is quite popular among certain demographics.

  • Pinterest: 444 million monthly active users can’t be wrong – Pinterest is a crafter’s dream and gives you the opportunity to organize your thoughts visually.

  • Reddit: While sometimes it’s purely entertaining, reaching the 430 million monthly active users for your business can be helpful.

What’s your go-to social media platform? Tell us in the comments!


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