SongBird Spotlight
Looking at brand and small business challenges through a creative lens. Check out our latest blogs and step outside of the box and into the spotlight!
Top tools to streamline your marketing strategy this year
Every new year people look for ways to level themselves up - vision boards, new habits, resolutions, and more. But what about leveling up your marketing by streamlining your marketing strategy?
Let’s take a look at the top tools to streamline your marketing strategy in 2025!
Brands and Social Issues: Should Companies Take a Stand?
Many businesses will likely start the year out saying they want to make a difference and if you’re a business owner, you may be wondering how you can do that in a way that aligns with your brand and your target audience.
One way to do that is to take a stand on important issues - and there are many ways you can do just that - but you may also be wondering IF you should even take a stand. Here’s what you need to know first.
Free tools to use in your marketing
We’ve compiled a list of free* marketing tools to use in your marketing, each addressing a different need!
3 Ways to make your marketing more effective
Let’s look at some things you can do to make your marketing more effective – and feel less burnt out about the whole process.