SongBird Spotlight
Looking at brand and small business challenges through a creative lens. Check out our latest blogs and step outside of the box and into the spotlight!
9 reminders for when you feel like your business is falling behind
Everyone needs a little pep talk every-so-often – even the most confident people. As a business owner, especially in the beginning, you may find yourself needing them more frequently. Running a business RARELY goes exactly as planned, and sometimes you just need a little reminder.
So here are ten things I like to tell myself – and some of the business owners I coach and mentor – when things aren’t going to plan.
How to supercharge your small business
October is small business month, and Saturday is October 1st, so let’s kick it off by talking about how small business owners are superheroes. Regardless of where you’re at with your business goals, here are some ways you can supercharge your small business to help you reach your business goals.
3 ways to determine if you're successful
So, if you find yourself struggling to keep up with those around you. Stop and take a step back and re-evaluate things. The answer may be in front of you. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to your own business success.